Pastor Tim Sermon 2012-03-11


 2012-03-11 ¿ÀÈÄ 8:31:00  19633




Do the Word" series  Part 9:
"All the more as you see the Day approaching"

By Pator Timothy Kim




211 11 11
11 [TK] When I've Gone All The Way     GainKeiOh 2013-01-06 18357 179
10 [TK] Transcendent Thanksgiving     GainKeiOh 2012-11-18 18398 180
9 [TK] i BELIEVE     GainKeiOh 2012-11-25 19791 180
8 Pastor Tim Sermon 2012-03-25     C.JustinLee 2012-03-25 16514 181
7 [TK] Php series (5) : Honor Men Like Him     GainKeiOh 2012-10-16 18463 183
6 [TK] Need to? Or Want to?     GainKeiOh 2013-01-16 18796 183
5 [TK] Php series (4) : Do Everything W...     GainKeiOh 2012-10-07 16136 184
4 Pastor Tim Sermon 2012-04-15     C.JustinLee 2012-04-21 20191 184
3 [TK] Php series (2) : But What does I...     GainKeiOh 2012-09-23 18370 184
2 [TK] Php series (1) : You are Loved     GainKeiOh 2012-09-16 19502 191
1 [TK] Php series (3) : Life Worthy of ...     GainKeiOh 2012-10-07 19576 195
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